MicroStation CONNECT II
This course goes beyond the basics of 2D drafting by exploring 3D concepts needed for working on civil-related projects including basic 3D drafting. Other concepts include creating 3D parametric cells, creating single sheets (plan and typical sections), creating special auxiliary sheets, creating reports and tables, working with raster images like aerial photos and topo maps and using Bing Maps for background images.
Target Audience
Students who have successfully completed MicroStation CONNECT training and/or worked with the software and are comfortable with the basics of 2D drafting with MicroStation.
Students should have a working knowledge of MicroStation CONNECT.
Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a certificate awarding you 21 contact hours of professional development.
What you’ll learn in our MicroStation CONNECT II training
Special Sheets
Learn how to create single auxiliary sheets like Typical Section or General Summary sheets using named boundaries. Learn how to the annotate sheets in the Drawing model. Use the Sheet Index to work with sheet models including re-ordering and re-numbering sheets.
Spreadsheets and Tables
Discover options for placing spreadsheet data in your Drawing model including the use of Table tools.
Discover tips for working with older image files and aligning these non-geo-referenced images. Learn how to attach raster images from KY Raster to create a raster data file and then align these images with your vector graphics. Discover techniques to enhance vector graphics on top of the raster images. Learn how to attach a Bing Map as a quick and easy alternative to attaching rasters, including how to clip the Bing Map to your project site.
Working in 3D
Learn how to use 3D view controls and the concepts of active depth and display depth to draw planar graphics in 3D. Discover how to planarize elements and modify a vertex in 3D. Learn the proper techniques for obtaining accurate measurements in 3D. Discover how to use AccuDraw and 3D modeling tools for basic 3D drafting.
3D Solids Modeling
Learn how to use special tools to create 3D solids like drainage structures, headwalls, and wing walls.
Parametric Cells
Learn how to create parametric variables and assign dimensional constraints to create a parametric cell with multiple variations where the geometry of the cell updates based on the variation selected.